Thanks for dropping by my humble li'l place in CyberSpace. Hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to take as many of these images as you want but just be sure and transload 'em to your own server first (computer users: upload please) know how touchy Tripod is about those things....

I found all of these images while surfing the web and take no credit for any of them. As far as I know, all these gifs are public property but if you see any that belong to you, just e-mail me with proof of copyright and I'll remove them. Special thanks to my good bud the5car for your help (and especially your patience) at the onset of my website building adventure. Thanks a heap, non-chief!!

Now, just kick back and get comfy and have fun.....and please don`t forget to sign my else will I know you were here?

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This site last updated 7/14/02.